Saturday, December 17, 2011

how nice to have someone meet you at the end of a journey.

“How nice to have someone meet you at the end of a journey!” she cried, as she stepped off the train at Glen St. Mary into Gilbert’s waiting arms. She could never be sure Gilbert would meet her … somebody was always dying or being born … but no homecoming ever seemed just right to Anne unless he did. And he had on such a nice new light-grey suit! (How glad I am I put on this frilly eggshell blouse with my brown suit, even if Mrs. Lynde thought I was crazy to wear it traveling. If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have looked so nice for Gilbert.)

[via Anne of Ingleside


Natalie said...


erika said...

That's a good milspouse quote if I ever heard one. :)

All this Anne of Green Gables-ness is reminding me of sitting with my mom and reading the whole series. Sigh. Miss that.

Bethany Bassett said...

Oh, so much sap. So much wonderful, deeply adored sap. :)

P.S. - I've done a horrible job keeping up with friends' blogs lately, but I cheered over your Thanksgiving post. Yes, THAT one. I have a special place in my heart for Justins, and I'm thrilled for you!

Jeannie Marie said...

I have to read all the Anne books. I must! Jeannie: