Friday, January 6, 2012

two days before christmas.

december 22, we went swing dancing.
this was the 23rd.
the 24th was when i finally wrote/posted the swing dancing post. lol.
french roast coffee that i bought at sven's.
anna having left for work; a napping little guy, fallen asleep in the most darling position ever.
a lovely, super cute friday. :)

he was truly asleep. mhmmm.
never seen such cuteness before. sheesh. :)


CourtneyKeb said...

It's been forever since I've been on your blog because my computer is in very old age and pretty much freezes all the time. BUT I'm here, and I'm happy because your header is super cute, and my computer is playing your playlist, and me and my kids are enjoying it. :) Hope you're doing well!

Anonymous said...

Aw soo cute =) I love sleeping babies/toddlers. So innocent and precious.

lindsay said...

dancing, coffee and a little thomas...perfection :)

charla beth said...

oh my goodness, i love those pictures.
what a little sweetheart.