Tuesday, October 26, 2010

beautiful, windy tuesday. with tea.

Boy, have we got one moody day on our hands. Windy, blue sky, overcast, sunny, cloudy, rainy. Oh, so windy. It's one of those Fall days. Once again, coffee and painting and music . . . Fail Us Not. [click here to listen]
Some of the trees are getting naked. :(
That there above...is a sneak peek of what I did yesterday and today.... one of them:)
It's an "inspired".

Talk about moody:)
I really have quite a few to catch up on posting here. :)
Me and Ben started practicing this song by 1000 Generations today... it's beautiful. One of my favorite songs.
It's raining right now.
And nearly all the way dark. At only 6:11pm.
Well, I finally got around to taking a lovely picture of the book I started reading last Friday:
Ohmaword, can I just say I love this picture. 
The contrasts...the shading...the angle. I could print and frame it. I totally could.
I totally would
Um...nevermind. Onto another shot. hahah. 
I made some green tea after singing that song maybe 8 times. :) My voice was going, so we took a break.  
....Don't think I haven't had my share of coffee today. ;) And painting. And....well, it's been a pretty good day.
Have a wonderful Tuesday night:) 

If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.
[C. S. Lewis]


deb schwedhelm said...

we all have our moody days. tomorrow will be brighter. :-)) hang in there.

thanks for all your sweet, sweet comments.

and i think you would look so fabulous with dreads.


Shannan Martin said...

Love Walked Innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Did you know there's a sequel??