Thursday, April 19, 2012

things making me smile...

this paragraph in pioneer woman's post on stuff she's learned about blogging:
2. Blog often.

Whether you write a sixteen-paragraph essay about the cosmic implications of a free market system, a one-paragraph description of what happens to your soul when you walk into your godforsaken laundry room, or a simple photo and caption, consider your blog a precious bloom that requires daily nurturing.
i heart that whole post. that one line really makes me laugh, though. i tell ya...

the fact that miss charla has blogged, for the first time in a while! [hello, old friends.]
so good to see her sweet self's writing populating the good old blogger dashboard.

this crazy coffee maker. thingy. whatever. i bet it costs somewhere in the upper side of 5k-10k. i. just. bet.
it's insane, is it not??

this repurposed barn.
i cannot say enough words for how much i really really really really like this.

yeah. i'm kind of sitting here in a state of shock, absorbing the wonder of it. 
maybe dress down the design of the interior decorating a little bit, more casual and not quite so design-looking but more homey, and i'll take it.
that light it out for something a little more normal looking. more classic.
in fact, just give me the shell of the remodeled barn. i'll decorate it. :P i do like that table, though.....

this lace.

it's so vintage-inspired. i love it.

and this.
Source: via Pascale on Pinterest

and a piece from this poem by pablo neruda:
take bread away from me, if you wish,
take air away, but
do not take from me your laughter.
Source: via shelia on Pinterest


CourtneyKeb said...

I thought the same thing when I saw that barn! I was amazed at how beautiful it became but I was not feeling the light fixtures! Haha.
and LOVE that LACE!!!

Contemplating Beauty said...

ooooh do you think you'll do a wedding dress like that? really pretty...i can see it...

and that barn, are you joking?!

erika said...

Oooh, yes to all of those things. :)

ladaisi said...

So true - blog often! It's so important. I think someday I would like to save off my blog and then get it printed and bound at lulu. com. Why not? It's my journal.

charla beth said...

ohhh, that neruda excerpt is wonderful.

aww and it made me smile so big to see my name in here!:) thanks for being such a sweet, supportive friend.