Tuesday, May 18, 2010

wordless wednesday

I want this bedroom. Someday I'll try to replicate it. Even if we have to screw with the wall to get that window-seat type thing. :) Had a lovely time with Heather and Steph over tonight...saw Letters to Juliet..... (cute, but slightly sappy, loved the sarcasm/snideness of the Brit Charlie. And love his name, too. So classic. The girl was okay, but at one point she had a low dress on and Heather screeched, "Is she nursing?!" Golly, Heath. Some people are just...way more endowed...Harhar.) .....after going to Caribou coffee where Anna and Steph were snobs and got fru-fru fancy stuff and Heather and I were all sophisticated with our house blend/whatever they were brewing. I had them fill my new stainless steel thermos I happened to see at the holocaust museum on Monday (which I will be blogging/talking about a little...soon enough...) for 3 dollars less than a cute one at Caribou costs. Ha. I'm all for saving a few bucks.
Anyhow. Not too wordless. Can't help it. But since I'm done reading that lovely Tracey Bateman series, I'm going to sleep before 12:30am tonight... sigh.
It feels weird to be so reasonable. ;)


Chana@ Mamma Town said...

I can totally see you in that bedroom! It's just perfect for you. And you are always my little movie reviewer! So thanks for that info too;)

heather said...

Wow...always a fun time with you guys. Thanks for sharing my special comment dear. (Can you hear the sarcasm?:) I make so many of them. oh and yea to being coffee snobs!! ;)

Abbie said...

Yay - you saw it! I agree - cute, but slightly sappy. And I loved the guy's sarcasm. It seriously cracked me and my sis up.