Tuesday, March 2, 2010

God, ears, and feet.

It seems to not be a problem of ‘God, can’t You see Your children at Your feet’ this time, but rather, ‘God, we’re searching high and low, fast and in many places, (with one extra eye) for You, but we can’t seem to find Your feet!’

I can't remember where I found this picture (sorry if you know and I don't know who to credit...oops), but I found it eloquently simple. And true. The invisible is more important than what we can see.
[God, can't You see Your children at Your feet is a lyric by Caleb and Will Chapman, from their song Wait]
Off to Wally-world we go this afternoon, to pierce Rachel's ears for the first time, and mine for the second. It's kind of a tradition; when you turn 13, you get your ears pierced. :)
I'm thinking blue, purple, or plain old rhinestone studs . . . we shall see. There might be pictures, folks, so hold on tight. ;) Heh heh.


Anglican Mama said...

Hope the ear piercing went well! Happy Bday Rachel!
The picture is wonderful. :) I just wrote my healing post, let me know what you think. :) Love you

beka said...

Thanks dear, yes it went well. ;) I got the September birthstone since they didn't ahve February, and she got December because March was too pale a blue for her taste. ;)