Thursday, March 11, 2010

rain, dancing children. and a t.s. eliot quote.

It doesn't look like this anymore.
It's raining. Has been, for the past few days. And I barely missed landing one foot in a deeper-than-4-inches puddle--er, miniature lake--in our driveway, on my way to visit Anna next door. Let me tell you, that got a wee bit of adrenaline running, and it was fun.
Reese was dancing to the Lifehouse music on the surround sound, and he goes in circles, it's his way of'd think he would get dizzy, but he's used to it. :)
(this is sammi and reese--at the park, haha, the other day. sammi is being hernormal spunky self, and reese is so tired. sweetie pie.:))  
'Tis beautiful out, no?

(p.s.; pretend that leg you see isn't white. and pretend it isn't mine. but admire those pj/lounge pants--from kohls that anna dear gave to me, and let me tell you, they're wonderful. brown and teal? anna wishes she had a pair.:))
Just yesterday I figured out my webcam thingy, and how to take videos. My first video was just to figure it out (haha) and it was freaky, so much so that I look like I belong in the circus, and not because I have too much make-up on; my eyes were wide, my expressions . . . freaked out. Um. I'm deleting that video. No way anyone's seeing it. It's humiliating, and I talked about nothing of consequence for about 20 seconds --the duration of the darned thing.
So. Hm. You maybe-might-someday see a video posted here? I don't know. When I get my face and words under control (I'm not that good of a public speaker...haha, I do face-to face) and . . . maybe someday. I know Jen and PJ would love it; the told me I should do a video blogpost because hearing my say things, I guess it just sounds funnier, etc.. I don't know. I guess sometimes you just have to know someone like that to know what I'm talking about.
Now I'll go, before I start making even less sense. ;)

So all I know for today, (no, i'm not trying to copy someone else by saying what i  know and don't know; i'm just saying it for today because it popped into my head) is...
Well, all I know for today is that it's raining.
And God is good.
Even when the only thing wrong at the moment, superficially, is all the cloudcover.
This was the other day. It looks like this, but imagine way less snow, more mud, and no sun. Well, just a ton of rainclouds.
I have to go work on those wedding pictures, editing and all that loveliness...there's a sale at the place we're printing them at.
Green tea and me are off to have some fun working on pictures. :)

For I have known them all already, known them all:—

Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, 50
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons;
I know the voices dying with a dying fall
Beneath the music from a farther room.
So how should I presume? 
[T.S. Eliot]

1 comment:

Abbie said...

Ahem. Speaking of weird, freaky, videos-that-should-have-never-seen-the-light-of-day... have you seen the "vlog" I did? Watch it - you'll feel better about yourself. I promise you.

I'm NOT a public speaker anyway. (Just to give you a hint, after watching it, my mom asked me if I had been wearing my retainer.)

(Uh... yeah.)