Tuesday, July 26, 2011

pasta bake by pwc.

it's easier than lasagna.
ya know, instead of handling big long lasagna noodles, it's just normal pasta you have to worry about.
and....it's amazing. 
butter + mushrooms = love.
pasta water. isn't that obvious? ;) 

pasta sauce from a glass jar, added to that is cooked ground beef, etcetera...

seriously so good. and, did i mention, easier than lasagna. no fussing with those special noodles.

happy sigh.
and here's the link for it:
sour cream noodles bake.


Christina said...

That DOES look good...mmm.

vintch said...

YES for easy lasagna. that's always such a daunting recipe. thanks for sharing:)

Natalie said...

mmm! I just made this the other night, only the recipe I used didn't have mushrooms in it. =)

charla beth said...

looks wonderful, as always! i'll definitely be stealing this idea. :)