Tuesday, July 26, 2011

artistic endeavors: simply.

just a quick plug:

it's been an interesting tuesday. 
i overflowed the coffee pot with water while i wrote back a friend on fb and forgot about coffee. . . 
i finished everything on a surprise canvas, except for the quote. i'm waiting on a quote. it seems like it needs one.
i have read a lot of articles today; on writing, tweeting, being inspired, more writing, how blogging doesn't make much money at all even if you're good and trying hard [not my reason for blogging, lol], and a crapload of other stuff.
i'm tired of reading informative, logical stuff.
on how to be better, write better, blog better, network better . . . in fact, all of it has be strung up so much so that i've brewed coffee 3 times today. only to the 6 on the pot, but still. italian roast; mahogany from heather; more italian roast. 
i've got a hankering to get my hands on fabric and needles and finish those skirts i upcycled from maxi dresses found on-sale.
so. here's to loosening up. 
and photo booth sessions with 10 year old sisters who wear gram's decade-old frames with glass punched out.
my sisters are dramatic and know how to act some characters so well . . . there's nothing else to do but laugh.
so here's a slideshow of the canvas, because it's just way cooler than scrolling down for this particular canvas. :)
i painted this one june 14, 15, 27.


erika said...

I like it. I hate reading blog tips and tricks and all of it, too- I prefer natural, imperfect, unscripted stuff. :)

charla beth said...

ugh, i know what you mean about the "better" stuff--constantly better until you're plum tuckered out. no more better, dear. we just want you to be YOU. :) and you and your sister are so stinkin cute. i adore those glasses!