Wednesday, April 14, 2010

daily reading....humorous children.

Haha, our daily reading of the Daily Light devotional cracked me up. 
Well, the reaction to it did. Not the actually reading. 
A couple verses of SOS/Song of Songs (jokingly I call it Save Our Ship, but that's just me.) were in it; the theme was something like His Love. 
Dad told Rachel to read the evening reading because tonight is church and we won’t be all here for dinner. 
“Ah, that first one was scarring,” Lyd says. “Good idea to read the next one, Daddy.” 
“Umm, that wasn’t scarring,” I say, looking at Anna, rolling my eyes, and trying to control my smile. It was, after all, only a couple of the more “multi-purpose” verses about love… 
“Well. Let’s hope this next one’s about healing,” Lyd says with resolve, grasping the book. “Because I need someone to heal my scars!” she puts her hand to her heart and looks toward the ceiling. True drama. 
Me and Anna laugh. 
What the hey.

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