Wednesday, April 13, 2011

i'm blogging....

to let you all know to join in, lemonade makin' mama is hosting a shabby apple giveaway!
and backing up some more pictures, starting at the older ones and forward... just got a 32gb usb flash in the mail from amazon today. i'm running out of space on my computer. :P
tomorrow i'm going to take the pictures i need to and write up that guest post for erika at chambanachik. excited!!!

ack! look at those buds.
God is so good:) we all knew spring would come.
and it has...but according to bub (my brother ben) we might get a tad bit of snow this end-of-the-week. :P shoot it.
these bloomed seemingly overnight.

late morning we went to heather and steph's to hang out for 2 hours with their friends megan and reanne, with peanut-butter-jelly bars and other yummo snacks + conversation that traversed pretty much the whole map of things + laughing = a good time. :)

after that, we hit joanns' fabric store and starbucks.
i can't wait to do that skirt post....i'll have to work on that domestic stuff after i write up the post. or maybe i'll save the skirt business for friday. yeah.

tonight i wore a certain necklace for the first time; i bought it for around 7.50 at kohls before christmas time.
when i put on my black shirt and these awesome comfy vigoss (on sale at maurice's? heck yeah.) jeans, and thought of something to add that had color.
the kids quote despicable me all the time with that word. oh boy. :)
then, when i put the necklace on, because i'm sometimes very particular, i was trying to decide which pair of earrings to go with, since the necklace is pretty busy and i didn't want too many things going on at the same time. that's always annoying to me.
looks like i'm dancing in my sleep, yes? weeeeeird. but seemingly true, no?
found this at veryloveleigh's blog.
she's adorable.
i'm going to say goodnight with that.


Samantha said...

Oh I love the quote my Marilyn Monroe! I'm gonna steal that for my favs on fb.

Anonymous said...

That last image?

Quite lovely and timely.

I love either going to bed and reading your post or waking up and reading your post (depending on when you hit the submit and when my head hits the pillow.)

Cheers :)


Heather Mattern said...

Great quote!! Your photo's are magnificent!

The Freckled Fawn said...

like your necklace!
Its funky, and I like funky:P

charla beth said...

that flower picture is soo beautiful. agh, spring is just so wonderful.

i loooooove your haircolor right now :) and your outfit in that mirror picture is so stinkin cute.

that bottom quote really is awesome. what a perfect thing to read to start the morning<3

hope you have a lovely thursday.

erika said...

Gotta love those Chucks! :)