Sunday, April 24, 2011

my easter sunday.

this is my laptop's background image. i just love it. 
the reflection of the trees in the natural-made pond? did you notice it?
i will not be blogging tonight.
that is all.
after the services at church, we went to dad's parents in the country to gather with a ton of family for lunch....egg hunting....and wonderful conversations. :) it turned out to be a beautiful day; the chill lifted and the sun warmed the grass. near the end there, anna and i laid out on the grass. just so happy to be able to stretch out with snow out of sight, long gone for months. :)
i think that explains it all. :)

a picture is a poem without words.


Alita said...

Happy Happy Happy Easter chica!!!


charla beth said...

wow, that sounds amazing...just laying out on the grass... :)

i'm so glad you had such a lovely Easter<3